Knowledge and Know-How


White uPVC Sliding Door
uPVC Windows

Premium uPVC Windows and Doors

Why they are more expensive in South East Asia • Premium uPVC manufacturer like VEKA uses a formulation that meets the weather conditions in South East Asia. The right levels of all components are critical. “Titanium dioxide” provides the UV stability and therefore color fastness for the white profile. This

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VEKA Softline uPVC Profile Schematic
uPVC Windows

The Benefits of uPVC Windows with Double-Pane Glass

A major factor to consider when choosing replacement windows is the type of glass used. In this article, we highlight the differences between single- vs. double-pane windows and explain the benefits of double-pane glass. Single- vs. Double-Pane Windows The main difference between a single- and double-pane window is the number

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Rotten windows in need of replacement.
uPVC Windows

Why Cheap uPVC Windows Fail Within 10 Years

Do you remember the good solid wood windows that were common in the past? They used to last 40 years with some care and an occasional fresh coat of paint. Sadly, those days are gone and today’s cheap uPVC windows do not even last half that time. All too often, these

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ARC Component Manufacturing Rayong Co., Ltd. is Thailand’s leading high-end uPVC windows and doors specialist.

We are one of the few authorized agents for European uPVC windows and door systems in Thailand. Our full suite of support and equipment gives you absolutely everything you need to complete your construction or renovation project with joy.

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